
CPX Submission to the Government of Canada’s Consultation on the National Cyber Security Strategy

CPX Submission to the Government of Canada’s Consultation on the National Cyber Security Strategy

The Cybersecure Policy Exchange (CPX) is an initiative of Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), jointly led by the Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst and the Leadership Lab. Powered by RBC, CPX is dedicated to advancing effective and innovative public policy in cyber security and digital privacy.

We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the Government of Canada’s public consultation on Canada’s National Cyber Security Strategy (the “Strategy”), both regarding renewal of the Strategy and emerging issues on the medium- and long-term horizon. The Mid-Term Review of the 2019-2024 Strategy was useful in providing context and analysis that has helped guide our input.

Our submission responds to most of the consultation questions, focusing on the issues that CPX has examined through our policy research, cyber ecosystem engagement, and education and training activities. We have tried to be as clear and concise as possible in providing input and actionable recommendations, while providing links and guidance to our CPX research and analysis products for more in-depth review.

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