Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst is Toronto Metropolitan University’s national centre for training, innovation and collaboration in cybersecurity.
Established in 2018 and offering programs and services across Canada and around the globe, the Catalyst empowers individuals and organizations to seize the opportunities and tackle the challenges of cybersecurity.
Together with our partners and collaborators, we work to realize a vision of healthy democracies and thriving societies, powered by secure digital technologies.


A Message from our Founding Executive Director,
Charles Finlay

More than 7,000
people have directly benefited from the Catalyst’s groundbreaking programs.
They have acquired new cyber skills, built thriving cybersecurity careers, advanced new ventures focused on
digital security, and contributed to a more cybersecure Canada.

Over 500
businesses have been fueled by the Catalyst.
They have hired world-class talent from our training programs, strengthened their cybersecurity posture through Catalyst Cyber Range workshops, and scaled-up their operations in the Catalyst Cyber Accelerator.

Over 800
jobs have been created or filled in the cybersecurity sector through Catalyst programming.
From junior, to technical and executive leadership roles, Catalyst programming has helped close skill and talent gaps, bolstering a thriving Canadian cybersecurity sector.

More than 1,000
women, girls and non-binary individuals have been empowered.
The Catalyst is focused on building a diverse and inclusive future for cybersecurity – and cyber leadership – in Canada by opening up the sector to those who have traditionally been underrepresented in it.

Over 10,000
cybersecurity experts, mentors, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, program participants, alumni and partners make up the Catalyst community.

"Core to the Catalyst's work is bringing together, through an industry-facing focus, key stakeholders including private sector firms, not-for-profit organizations, the public sector and government, and academic partners. In this way, we are enabling capacity building, developing and supporting pathways to accelerated training, identifying new ideas and innovations, and addressing critical challenges in cybersecurity, through diverse perspectives, collaborations and partnerships."
Dr. Steven Liss
Chair of the Board of Directors, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst & Vice-President of Research & Innovation, Toronto Metropolitan University

Advanced Cyber Education (ACE) program; the RBC Fintech Security Incubator; and the Cyber Challenge Incubator
Our Home
With its diverse talent pool and strategic
location in the heart of Ontario, we’re
proud to call the City of Brampton, and
specifically the Brampton Innovation
District, home.
As the fastest growing
city in Canada, and unique in its
youthful population, scale of diversity
(with 250 ethnicities represented) and
its pace of growth (expanding at an
annual 10.6%), Brampton is a pivotal
epicenter for innovation and

"One of Toronto Metropolitan University’s premier centres of excellence, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst is actively mapping out the future of cyber. Through its cutting-edge initiatives and strategic partnerships, and by cultivating the largest and most influential network of cybersecurity professionals and experts in the country, the Catalyst is making a profound impact on the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology."
Dr. Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor,
Toronto Metropolitan University

Through our pioneering workforce and individual training programs, we’re creating a robust cybersecurity talent pool that is fit for the future, and building diversity of culture, gender and ability into the next-generation cybersecurity workforce.

Over 900
new cybersecurity professionals trained since 2020
85% of students admitted in 2022 self-identified as a visible minority.
54% of graduates identify as women or another gender.

Over 1,000
students and young people engaged directly with cybersecurity programming
The majority of whom are girls, non-binary individuals, and youth from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in STEM
Accelerated Cybersecurity Training Program (ACTP)
Delivered in partnership with SANS Institute, and with support from the Government of Canada, Rogers Communications and RBC, ACTP was designed to help people from diverse personal and professional backgrounds launch meaningful careers in cybersecurity.

CLIC (Certifications for Leadership in Cybersecurity)
CLIC is a world-class cybersecurity training and dual-certification program designed to give learners the skills they need to launch a career in cybersecurity or elevate their career with cybersecurity skills.

CyberStart Canada
With support from Public Safety Canada and RBC, CyberStart empowers high school-aged young people to develop critical digital literacy skills and access career resources to spark their interest in cybersecurity as a future profession.

Cyber Talent Solutions
We work closely with over 160 of the largest employers in Canada, strengthening their existing recruitment capabilities through direct access to a high-caliber pool of employment-ready Catalyst graduates.

Ukraine Cybersecurity Reskilling Initiative
Working in collaboration with Ukraine-based Information Systems Security Partners (ISSP) and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of the Government of Ukraine, we’re proud to provide cybersecurity training to 100 Ukrainians who have been displaced from previous employment by the war.

Catalyst Veterans Cyber Range Bootcamp
In partnership with Coding for Veterans, we deliver practical cybersecurity training to Canadian Armed Forces veterans and their family members, empowering them to pursue a meaningful career in the rapidly growing cybersecurity sector.

Monica Nguyen
A graduate of ACTP, Monica previously worked in the hospitality industry as a chef. She chose to transition into cybersecurity because she wanted to work in an industry that utilized her critical thinking skills and challenged her to solve complex problems. Thanks to the rigorous training she received at the Catalyst, combined with her unique skill set honed in the fast- paced, pressurized environment of commercial kitchens, she now works as a Senior Security Specialist at Rogers Communications.

Through best-in-class corporate training offerings for executive teams, IT departments and employees at all levels of an organization, we’re empowering Canadian companies and public entities across various sectors to protect themselves and their stakeholders.

Over 1,500 employees
from over 140 organizations trained

Over 250 SMEs
have accessed our cyber resources and playbooks

Catalyst Corporate Training
The Catalyst delivers immersive, hands-on cybersecurity training sessions to organizations and government entities of all sizes, including tailored workshops, interactive tabletop exercises and immersive technical scenarios.

Catalyst Cyber Range
The Catalyst Cyber Range, powered by RHEA Group, is our state-of-the-art, interactive cybersecurity training and testing platform that provides ultra-realistic experiential learning opportunities featuring an array of real-world cyberattack scenarios.

Mastercard Emerging Leaders Cyber Initiative (ELCI)
Through the generous support of Mastercard, ELCI is a first-of-its-kind program for women and non-binary corporate leaders who seek to advance into executive-level positions in cybersecurity or related fields.

SimplySecure offers high-quality resources and training to help small and medium-sized businesses grow a culture of cybersecurity within their organization.

Cyber Training for Municipalities
In the face of a growing number of cyber attacks on municipalities and local governments, the Catalyst’s cybersecurity training for municipal leaders and staff addresses the unique challenges they face.

Ontario Cybersecurity Excellence Initiative
Delivered in partnership with Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange, and with funding from the Government of Ontario and Rogers Communications, this first-of-its-kind, $10 million program will drive competitiveness and cyber resilience in companies working in six key Ontario sectors (Beginning in 2024).

Cybersecurity and the Law
Developed and delivered in partnership with Toronto Metropolitan’s Lincoln Alexander Law School, this certificate program provides senior leaders and in-house counsel with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the legal complexities of cybersecurity.

Cyber Integration for Businesses
In partnership with Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange, the Catalyst is empowering organizations in key sectors in Ontario to thrive through the adoption and integration of cybersecurity technologies.

Melissa Hathaway
Program advisor and instructor for Catalyst’s
Emerging Leaders Cyber Initiative, Melissa is a
globally recognized thought leader in the fields
of cybersecurity and digital risk management.
She served in two U.S. presidential
administrations, spearheading the Cyberspace
Policy Review for President Barack Obama and
leading the Comprehensive National
Cybersecurity Initiative for President George W.
Bush. After her government service, she
established Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC,
bringing a multi-disciplinary and multi-
institutional perspective to strategic consulting
and strategy formulation for public and private
sector clients.

Through a unique focus on supporting breakthrough cyber innovations and future-focused public policy, we’re helping to establish Canada as a global leader in cybersecurity.

60 start-ups
and scale-ups supported,
who have collectively:
• Raised more than $100 million in funding
• Created over 350 new cybersecurity jobs
• Awarded over 40 cyber-related patents

Catalyst Cyber Accelerator
Canada’s first and foremost business accelerator, the Catalyst Cyber Accelerator drove cyber innovation, commercialization and adoption initiatives by supporting cyber entrepreneurs and start-ups from across Canada on their journey to becoming global market leaders.

Beauceron Security
An alumni of the Catalyst Cyber Accelerator,
Beauceron Security is a Canadian SaaS firm
focusing on the human factors of cybersecurity.
Founder David Shipley said he joined the
accelerator program so he could gain access to
the phenomenal resources, mentors and
subject-matter experts, and network of
cybersecurity investors offered by the Catalyst.
During their time in the program, Beauceron
raised $3.5m in non-dilutive funds. Today,
Beauceron serves hundreds of customers in
Canada, the United States and Europe,
including a number of Fortune 1000 companies.
Cybersecurity Policy,
Research and
Public Education
Through the development of cutting-edge research and accessible cybersecurity resources, we’re empowering all sectors of society and equipping the next generation of cyber leaders.

Over 20
major policy reports, briefs, white papers, conference papers and academic articles published
Catalyst Fellowship Program
Selected from academics at Toronto Metropolitan University and industry professionals, Catalyst Fellows undertake original research, and engage industry and the public in new cybersecurity concepts.

Cybersecure Policy Exchange (CPX)
Our major policy development initiative, powered by RBC, worked to advance original and effective public policy to protect the cybersecurity and digital privacy of Canadians.

Publications and Educational Resources
We regularly publish reports, guides and toolkits to increase awareness of cybersecurity. These free resources are designed for audiences including children and youth, educators, and parents, and can be downloaded from our website.

“The Catalyst is training the next generation of cybersecurity leaders: ones who complement diversity in thinking with cybersecurity fundamentals and a strong passion and dedication to defend against cyber threats.”
Sundeep Sandhu
VP Cyber Security and CISO,
Rogers Bank, Rogers Communications

Spotlight on
Our top seven most-read published commentaries

Catalyst Founding Executive Director,
Charles Finlay, and CEO of Beauceron Security
and Catalyst Cyber Accelerator alum,
David Shipley, writing in The Globe and Mail

Catalyst Senior Cybersecurity Advisory,
Randy Purse, writing in the Ottawa Citizen

Catalyst Industry Fellow, Dr. Jeff
Schwartzentruber, writing in the National Post

Catalyst Founding Executive Director,
Charles Finlay, writing in Newsweek

Catalyst Industry Fellow, AJ Khan, writing in

Catalyst Research Fellow, Dr.-Ing Monika
Freunek, writing in the Toronto Star

René-Sylvain Bédard, CEO of Indominus, and
Will Christodoulou, co-founder of Cyder, both
Catalyst Cyber Accelerator companies, writing
in the Toronto Star

Five years ago,
we embarked on
extraordinary journey to
a world-class
sector in Canada.

Through our groundbreaking individual and corporate training programs, vital research, policy and public education initiatives, and strategic partnerships that support innovation and collaboration in the sector, we’ve accelerated Canada’s cyber ecosystem and catalyzed a diverse, highly skilled workforce to support it.
And we’re just getting started.
Our future will be led by a relentless pursuit for excellence and impact — driving further advancements in the cybersecurity sector and positioning Canada as a global leader on the cyber stage. We’ll empower even more individuals and organizations to seize the opportunities and tackle the challenges of cybersecurity, and our team will continue to play a pivotal role in creating a cyber-resilient future for Canada and beyond.